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Current news about our service

Manage advertisement

Since today you are able to manage your advertisements yourself. You can choose between small banner at the top of your news, big banner at the bottom of your news, magic corner and flash layer. Additionaly you may use your services without advertisement. Therefore we ask for one euro per month for traffic compensation.

michi | 13.02.2008

Translations are finished

We have finished translating our webpages. Our service is now available in english and german language. Please tell us if there are still some translation errors. We wish our new english users a lot of success and fun on

michi | 12.03.2008

Service soon available in english language!

Dear users, in future our service will be available in english language, too. We just need some more days for translating the current website. Probably our sites will be completely translated beginning of next week. Greetings, michi

michi | 06.03.2008

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